Starting to Break the Stigma w/ The Noobie & The Doobie

Hello Friends!

Welcome to another very interesting episode of WeedBudz Radio, with your host Ry Russell. This episode is a pretty cool one and it is a little different from what we do, not only are we interviewing two guests at once but we also have a non-cannabis user who is pro-cannabis! Let me introduce  Timmy Boyle & Marijane Baker, otherwise known as The Noobie and The DoobieMarijane is a cannabis model who is all an avid cannabis user, and Timmy was a youth pastor, he is a clean comedian and has had one or two puffs max. The best part? They are dating each other! Join us and find out how this dynamic works, what they have learned on their journey through cannabis, and listen to them advise others on each side of the debate.
Tune in!

Marijane Baker & Timmy Boyle
The Noobie & The Doobie

Ry Russell
WeedBudz Radio
Manufactured Excellence
Knot Plastic

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Hey, friends.

Welcome back to another episode of WeedBudz Radio.

I’m really excited for this episode because it’s

not every day that we get to have

other podcast hosts on the show.

And I’m really excited to have Mary Jane

Baker and Timmy Boyle join us today.

Both of you, thank you so much for coming.

Oh Ry, no problem.

We had nothing planned for the next 3

weeks, so this builds up our schedule nicely. Amazing.

Well, I have to say, Timmy, I’m really interested in

your background, because I grew up with two Episcopal ministers

for grandparents, and when I had to come out of

the cannabis closet, it was a big kind of production.

I took all of my grandparents out to breakfast, and

I had a conversation of, I started this little show.

It’s starting to get some attention, and before it

gets any more, I need to come clean.

And it was hilarious because they

both had embraced it so much.

My grandmother was using the products.

My grandfather was using products for

his cancer treatments, and it turned

into quite a beautiful conversation.

I’m curious, would you mind sharing a little bit of

your origin story of where you came from and what

brought you into this journey into podcasting about cannabis?

Sure. Yeah.

Can I just throw back one initial question to you?

So you didn’t know they were

using secretly, is that right?

So I had known that my grandmother was using

CBD, but I had no idea that either one

of them were using any sort of THC products. Right.

Well, I can tell you it’s something that

I’ve realized over the last few years.

I grew up in, I would say a fairly

conservative Baptist church, like, literally born in a pew.

My mom denies that, but I think it’s just

because it’s an awkward way to give birth.

But I was there in the same church for 30 years.

I was the golden child.

No smoking, no drinking, no sex before marriage.

I did a little dancing, a little roller skating,

but I did that on the down low.

And certainly weed was or the devil’s lettuce

is the way that it was referred to.

Not only was it linked in with every other drug, like,

you just don’t go there, but it wasn’t even brought up.

It’s not like we even talked about, hey, here’s why

you shouldn’t use it, or here’s what it’s about.

So it was as far away from my mind.

I didn’t know anybody who used it.

We didn’t talk about it.

It wasn’t anywhere there.

But as I’ve gotten older and as I

look back, I think, what your experience

I’m finding there are so many users, especially older

generation, where it was even more, especially in the

church where it was back in those days, it

was show up in a suit and tie.

You had your church reality in your

home reality, just out of cultural necessity.

And I’m finding there’s way more people that were

probably using it secretly while I was growing up,

thinking that it was a no, no, no, but because no

one talked about it, everybody just kept it hidden.

And I think that’s an incredible shame.

So I’m coming into this world completely and

utterly blind, and I wouldn’t be here right

now, I don’t think, without meeting Mary Jane.

Mary Jane opened up that

door, but very conservative routes.

Ideas were breaking down before I met Mary Jane,

and Mary Jane just kind of put another big

kick in there and opened my eyes through some

misinformation and non information that I had had. Sure.

Now, Mary Jane, same question.

What was your first experience?

What was your origin story with cannabis?

Okay, so that goes back many years.

I don’t want to say how many

because I don’t want to age myself.

However, I was a teenager and somebody had said,

do you want to come smoke a joint?

And I was like, that’s bad.

That’s weed. That’s marijuana.

I’m not going to do that.

And I actually went home and I had a

discussion with my dad because we were very open,

very honest, and I knew he consumed from when

I was younger because in school they teach you,

like, Timmy’s saying cannabis is lumped in with cocaine

and heroin and all the other nasty drugs.

So when I found out that my dad was using

at a young age, I was very angry with him.

How could he do something that was so

bad that could get him thrown in jail?

And when he explained it to me that it was

like alcohol, I kind of had a different perception.

I was like, okay, if people can drink

and still function, then it would be okay.

So he lived by the it’s not what you do, it’s

what you do when you do what you do method.

So when I went to him as a teenager

and we had the discussion about cannabis, he said,

I’ll tell you what, you want to try it?

We’ll try it together in a safe

environment so you know what you’re getting.

You don’t have to get it from

who knows where or god knows what.

And that was my door into cannabis.

Which is funny because when my mum found out

that I had smoked with my dad, she got

mad, told me, Get in the car.

I was like, oh, my God, what’s going on?

Where are we going?

She drives down a dirt road, pulls over, says, pass

me the pack of smokes from under the seat.

And I’m like, shaking. I have no idea.

I’m like, 16 years old, no idea what’s going on.

Reach under the seat, pass her the pack of cigarettes.

She says the bag too.

So I reached under the seat and

I pulled out a bag of weed.

And the look on my face as I looked

at my mum, who had flipped over the pack

of smokes to reveal it was a pipe.

She made a pipe out of a pack of smokes.

She was like, well, give it to me.

And I was like, so it was the realization

that everybody that I know might just actually be

consuming cannabis, and I might not know it, and

my dad was like, doctors, lawyers, teachers, they do

it, but they can’t say that they do it.

So I was always confused as to how something that made

me feel so good could be illegal and be wrong. Sure.

So that was my entrance.

We’ll say into cannabis was. Amazing.

It was guided. Well, that’s, I think, a

really powerful way to be introduced to cannabis.

I was sharing a little while back, my first experience.

I was lucky to have such good friends

around me because I was listening to my

heartbeat, and it was just surreal.

It was not something that I grew up with either,

and being surrounded by the right people, and I think

making you feel safe makes all of the difference.

I’m curious, Timmy, growing up in the background that you

did with the church, do you consume cannabis today?

No, I don’t, actually, which surprises a lot of people.

Not only are we doing the podcast the Newbie

and the Doobie together, because me still remaining the

newbie, which actually, strictly from business standpoint, if I

ever started to consume, there goes our name.

What’s the point of the Newbie and the Doobie?

I have to try something new. Even if I wanted to try.

Now we’re locked into this long term,

so I can’t lose the designation.

We got to change and hold our name and

branding, and that’s just too much money and effort.

He did try it, though. I did try it.

So I got into this phase of life where

I was like, I want to try new things.

I had broken free from a lot of the stigmas that

have been set up through a deeply religious growing up.

And like I said, a lot of

those stigmas and misinformation and non information.

I don’t even think most of it was

this intentional thing of, like, don’t.

It was so not in the thing.

It was just non existence.

And so I don’t blame anybody necessarily for that.

But I realized that there were these thought processes

in my head, some of it pop culture driven.

There’s a very, very clear perception of what a

stoner is and what we would do to somebody.

Pop culture has probably done a disservice

to the cannabis consuming world based on

how those who don’t smoke perceive it.

But I was willing to try new things.

I’d come into a new stage of life, and it

was right beforeI kind of met Mary Jane.

When she heard that I had never, ever consumed

cannabis, I believe her words were, enter Mary Jane.

She couldn’t believe it.

She jumped right in.

So she set me up with my very first smoking joint

experience, which I was severely disappointed at because I had seen

all the movies and stuff, and I felt nothing.

And I was like, well, why am

I trying something that gives me nothing?

So it was a downer for me.

And so she said, well, that’s okay.

I gave you a really low dose.

So she gave me a second one.

We went on a bowling date, and she upped my THC.

This is stuff I’m learning in hindsight.

This is what she did.

She upped my THC.

And I’m a good bowler, like 300

bowler a few times and 5 pins.

I take my bowling game serious,

and my bowling game dramatically fell.

And I realized right then and there it’s

like, look, some things aren’t worth risking.

So I was already on my way out

of the cannabis smoking world at that point.

I’m like, I can’t have my bowling game drop.

And so I always try things in 3’s.

3 is an important number to me.

I always feel that you need to watch a TV

show 3 episodes in, listen to a podcast 3 episodes

in, trying to get a feel for what’s going on.

So I tried it a third time.

We were sitting down at her house,

and whatever she gave me made me

blank out multiple times through our conversation.

It was about 25, 26% THC, which apparently now

I found out is incredibly high for especially a

newbie and being a cerebral person and somebody who

grew up not just religiously, but just in my

own life, always wanting to be a sound mind.

I was very intellectually cerebral based, and the

fact that I couldn’t keep track of this

conversation freaked me out, and I didn’t like

the feeling of being disconnected like that.

And so that was my last time.

So it was 3 times over a span of, I

don’t know, a couple of weeks or whatever, and then

I handed it all over and said, I’ve been there,

done that, but I’d still like to talk about it.

So I just want to add the time that we went

bowling, he said it was the second time that he consumed,

which is true, but because he felt nothing the first time,

he smoked two joints in a row before going bowling, which

is probably why he felt the way he did.

And when you smoked the 25, 26% THC, I put on

a movie, which is the appropriate thing to do when you

smoke that high THC and just chill and watch the movie.

But of course, me being me, I started doing this.

And you can’t talk to somebody who’s

that high when all they want.

They need to just chill and relax.

So I kind of set him up

for a poor experience on that one.

Well, Mary Jane, I know that you have

much more experience with cannabis than Timmy does.

How does cannabis play a role in your life today.


I would say cannabis is what gets me through every day.

I’ve learned to use it instead of letting it use

me, because there are times when I just want to

smoke a joint for the sake of smoking a joint,

but then there are other times that I need to

smoke a joint because of my anxiety levels or whatnot.

So, yeah, cannabis is pretty much in anything and

everything that I do, whether I’m eating it or,

you know, I like to make bath salts and

infuse my bath salts, and I’ve even painted with

it and like cannabis oil. Painted with cannabis? Yes.

So I do a type of painting that’s called paint pouring.

It’s where you take the paint and put it in

a cup and basically just, like, dump it all over

a canvas and it does this amazing stuff.

But you can add a little bit of cannabis oil, the

MCT oil, into the actual paint and mix it up, and

it’ll give you these nice cells, nice big globs.

It’s beautiful.

That’s really cool.

I can’t wait to see an image of that. That’s good.

I should probably have one around here somewhere.

Well, I’m curious.

What is it like for both of you?

I feel like talking to different

couples all of the time.

Either neither one smokes or consumes in

any way or both of them consume.

What is it like being a newbie and a doobie?

How does that work?

So I foolishly thought that when we met, I

was like, oh, this is going to be fun.

I’m going to introduce him to

cannabis, and Bob’s your uncle.

I’m going to have a cannabis consuming partner.

I don’t even know of Bob.

He’s your uncle. Lo and behold,

I mean, he doesn’t consume, which I’m not really

complaining about because it just means there’s more for

me and I don’t have to share.

I’m like a cannabis smokers dream, right?

It’s like, wait, I don’t have

to share anything with you.

I’ve always got a driver. Right.

Take me anywhere I want to go.

Pizza, 1 in the morning? No.

Well, is it hard at all?

Are there any challenges?

Because I know, like, some couples, they

hate the smell of it or whatnot.

Timmy, you seem like it doesn’t really faze you

and you host a podcast show about it.

Yeah, I think what I’ve discovered is how incredibly rare

and like I say, discovering is kind of a journey

thing as opposed to a light went on thing.

But I’m discovering that our relationship is

incredibly rare, and through conversations with Mary

Jane, I think it’s because of that.

It’s like, you want to

have that common shared experience.

If we’re at a party and MJ goes for a

smoke, most couples being, let’s go take our smoke break,

and it has that kind of common kind of thing.

Or MJ was talking earlier to

me about golfing or weight weightlifting.

If your spouse is sharing that love, which for MJ

cannabis is such a strong part of her life, you

would assume that that other person should share in that

or else it’s going to cause a friction.

But what we’ve talked about is that

anything can cause that friction, right?

Like if you’re not in constant communication, if

somebody loves baseball and the other person doesn’t,

that could be just as dividing as this.

And I think it comes down to communication.

We talked very early on that yeah, I was willing to try it.

And when I decided that I wasn’t going to

do it anymore, it was a conversation piece.

It wasn’t like I started to put a wall up.

It wasn’t like I started to kind

we’ve talked about it the entire time.

And I think what surprises a lot of people is

the fact that we are able to not only relationally

be together, but to work together on this thing.

And I actually think it’s those differences that have

become a strength as opposed to a weakness.

And some people would think that it

might be the other way around.

I can honestly tell you that if we’re sitting down

and for some reason it’s kind of like, you know,

when you’re playing a board game and it’s one small

spot in the entire floor, but your cat finds the

board game to go lie on.

When she’s sitting beside me smoking, I still do

the smoke tends to always no matter which way

she blows, it blows towards my face.

And I can honestly say I still kind

of like do the but it’s a joke

now and it’s not a completely negative thing.

And I’m actually on the side of I

don’t believe secondhand smoke is a real thing.

I think we’re actually going to do a test

of that shortly to find out whether or not

I have any cannabis in my system.

Just by hanging out with her.

We thought that would be an

interesting thing to look at.

But I think communication has been key.

And I think people are just mostly shocked about

the fact that it’s not a peripheral issue.

It’s her life, it’s medicinally, what

keeps her able to function.

And by me not taking apart in that,

I think it’s just surprising to people.

And quite honestly, I think

it comes down to communication.

Well, it’s funny you say you’re not taking apart in

it because you are taking a part in it.

He’s just not actually consuming it because there are

times that when working especially, I try and push

through whatever it is that we’re doing.

And Timmy is very aware of the fact that I need

to take that moment to stop and go and consume.

And he’ll actually say to me,

I think you need a minute.

And most of the time you’re right.

It’s something that when you communicate, and even if

it’s something that your partner may not agree with,

if you’re honest and the other person is compassionate,

there should be a way that you can communicate

a resolve for the both of you.

I think that it was really

powerful hearing how you described communication.

Both of you described communication in

your relationship because it really is.

I mean, something like baseball, right?

That could be a division in a couple.

If one person wants to go to games all

the time or watch the games and the other

person just has no desire for it whatsoever, that

could cause a real riff in a relationship.

And so as long as you have that

strong communication and ultimately empathy, then I think

you can work through just about anything.

I think that’s just a great analogy.

Well, one of the struggles that we have

had, I guess, and mainly we’ve been learning

about each other throughout this whole process, but

me just understanding that she needs those breaks.

Like when I plan to do an event as a touring

comedian, we get up sometimes we’re up on the road at

5, we’re driving to a venue, getting there at 1, setting

things up, performing at 7, tearing down on the road at

11, to a hotel up at 5 in the morning.

I live in this you just go world.

And the concept of her needing to prepare for

even a night out, let alone a 10 day

tour, and realizing that she doesn’t just need them,

I guess my mindset previously would have been, oh,

don’t worry about just smoke it later.

You don’t need it.

It’s only a 3 hour drive,

just wait till you get there.

And now that I’ve come to realize

that she actually needs it, like medicinally.

Just like I used to have to take a

Tylenol before every show because I would get these

neck strains, which has been gone ever since

I’d taken yoga.

These are yoga shoulders, by the way.

I recommend it for everybody, but I think

that’s been a big struggle for me.

It’s just been learning that I need to

pace my day a little bit slower.

So even on podcast shooting days, we record 4 episodes currently in

1 day, just due to our way we can make it work

and in that we have to put in smoke breaks.

And normally I would just pump these things out and

so me adjusting to that, but I think that goes

back to what we talked about with communication, is that

we’re constantly being open with the fact that she needs

to stop and her trusting that I’m not going to

say, oh, you stoner.

The first time we had the conversation.

And he’s like, trying to plan it out.

How often do you need a break?

And I’m like, Well, I need one

like every hour and a half.

He’s like, what?

And then we talked about it and that’s

why you’re like, okay, because that’s the discussion

you need to have the discussion. Sure. Yeah.

Now tell me about the show.

I’m excited to learn.

So you have these 2 different backgrounds.

You have these two different individuals.

Tell me how you came together and why

you decided to put a show together.

Well, those are sort of 2 different questions.

I want to touch on briefly how we

even got together, which led to podcast, because

it was completely and utterly happenstance.

It’s not like I went to a pot event.

I was emceeing an event.

She was a 1950’s model.

It was a charity thing that we were doing.

We were raising money for a pet organization in the

town that I live in, and I had done this

this was my second year in a row.

And the first year I did it, I kind

of, like, blacked out when I was on stage.

I don’t know what happened.

My son said, what happened up there?

I have no idea.

I have photos of me posing and smiling,

but I don’t remember any of it.

So I was determined to get over

my stage fright for the following year.

Which was the year I ended up meeting Timmy.

Because I decided I was going to make up

this ruse about carrying these green infused cookies.

And I needed a police officer to come and bust

me the cookies because I figured if I did that.

Then I would be focused on the whole gig.

That I wouldn’t be worried about whatever it was

that made me black out the year before. Sure.

So I asked all my friends, and of

course, none of them wanted to do it.

I called the organizer, and she said, well, why don’t you

why don’t you reach out to the emcee, the host?

I said, okay, this guy right here.

So I met up with him the day of the

event, and I brought him a badge and a pile

of green cookies, and I ended up making that green

cookie gag a gag throughout the entire thing.

She brought the picture. That’s us. Amazing.

So that’s actually the first picture of us.

We weren’t together, but that’s the

first picture of us meeting.

So we actually have a documentation of the

first time we actually met each other.

And as you can see, it’s framed.

It’s special.

It is a very great photo. But yes, we played into

the cookie thing, and I kept eating these cookies and

pretending that I was getting a little high up.

As a comedian, I saw this as an

incredibly good angle to take this thing with.

And from there, we just started to communicate online,

and I think it was just one of those

crazy moments where the differences, there was opposites attract.

I don’t know, whatever.

I call it energy, because I knew from the

first time I met him there was something.

I think I even told him I could read palms

because I was like, I can read your palm.

And he put his hand in my hand and no word of a lie.

When I said this is your

lifeline, I felt chills, chills.

And I was like, now imagine also

30 plus years of conservative Christianity.

Not only she’s smoking weed, but she’s

saying, I can read your palm.

I’m like, you’re absolutely nuts.

But she was super cute.

So I continued the going forward, but from that

the podcast flowed fairly naturally because we saw

right away there was a creative synergy.

Our humor is very different.

I’m more of a dry wit.

She’s kind of a really kind of wild and crazy.

I mean, outfits speak a whole lot in this regard,

but I can go that route and she can come.

So we had these kind of these crossover humors.

So we created this TikTok, which was

launched silently and is only now beginning

like we never told friends or family.

It’s called Tim and Janice on TikTok.

If you want to go check that out.

The best way to look it up is just search on TikTok.


We made it secretly, though, because our relationship was

still secret due to a whole lot of factors.

And it gave us a chance to test

our creative, how we could work together without

any pressure, because we could just create these

characters without anybody from our friends.

And my fans didn’t know about it.

There was no added pressure.

It was all supposed to be organic and

allow us to see, can we work together?

Is that part of our relationship as well?

And that really did well organically.

It did incredibly well and encouraged us.

We were able to test our own working patterns and

habits, how we can film a bunch of videos and

get smoke breaks, all those types of things.

And then from there, just like, what else do we do?

What is the thing?

And we have so many things we want to talk about.

We’re both talkers.

We both love talking.

We could go conspiracy.

We would go 1980s, we could go down.

We thought we were going to do

an 80’s, 90’s podcast.

And then we realized that there was this void in

the cannabis space where almost from an outsider and I

haven’t heard and seen I don’t even know what your

podcast is really about, but my perception is that it

seemed like everything we came across was cannabis people talking

to cannabis people talking about things that the cannabis listeners

most of the time already know.

So questions weren’t being asked of guests.

That seemed like obvious questions, whereas I realized that

I was asking questions and she was like going,

oh, I have to look into that again.

It’s like refreshing kind of as a long time cannabis

user, it’s like, oh, going back to basics almost, and

seeing she started to see the value in that.

And we realized that what about a show where

it literally is from both sides, where a cannabis

user is talking to a non cannabis user.

And it’s not like I’m anti and she’s pro.

We’re both going to be pro, but I’m

going to be able to ask questions that

a cannabis user wouldn’t ask another cannabis user.

And we’ve already seen people who watch

our show, and we do suggest watching.

We are on audio as well, but we almost

produced what we would say is a TV show

that happens to be in a podcast studio.

So if you can catch it on YouTube.

We actually hold the world record for

most umbrellas opened in a podcast studio. We do.

We broke that record a couple of times ago.

So the podcast became this place for us to go.

That’s something that we are both interested in.

I’m interested in having the conversation.

She’s obviously interested in teaching

and giving the proper information.

And we saw that it was a void.

And I think by the feedback

we’re getting, we’re filling that void.

We’ve had people from both sides, cannabis

users saying, wow, this is entertaining.

It’s being presented in a different way.

We’re really enjoying this.

And we’ve had non cannabis users watching our show because

they may not use it, but they have kids that

use it, or they have elderly parents who use it,

or they’re thinking about using it but are scared because

they don’t know it’s the disinformation.

Yeah, we’re really proud of it.

We’re just trying to be unique and being us.

And I think there’s a certain energy that we have

that seems to work, that people seem to enjoy.

And we’re talking about a serious issue

in a creative, light hearted, unique way.

Well, my favorite comment that somebody said

about us was even Ray Charles would

see how well we work together.

I love that.

Well, and I can tell from you two being on here for

the audience tuned in now, what is the best way for

them to watch your show and to tune in?

Well, everything.

I think if we did it right, if you just go at

the Newbie and the Doobie on any on anything, we’re there.

So YouTube, it’s the Newbie and the Doobie.

Then we have the podcast as well, which I think

you just search it in any of the podcasters.

Facebook and Instagram is the Newbie and the Doobie.

I think we had to change it to Timmy and MJ

on TikTok because this is one thing that I found too,

maybe you guys have in terms of promoting what you do.

We had 4 accounts under the Newbie and

the Doobie, all written up different ways.

It’s the word doobie and we were

getting shadow banned immediately, like 0 views,

nothing was coming in, I think.

So now on TikTok, we’re just Timmy and MJ and

we’re starting to get a little bit on there.

But it’s amazing to me, something I’ve learned so far

during this podcast is how no wonder there’s so much

misinformation out there because you’re not even allowed to

really promote or talk about it in the online

space, something that’s legal in our own country.

So that bothers me as an entertainer and

as someone who wants to talk about it.

When I discovered how hard it was for us

to get a Tik tok account with the Newbie

and the Doobie name attached to it. It is.

I remember when we first started with Instagram, we

had like 3 accounts banned within the first week.

So it’s been a challenge.

And I am just so grateful to

both of you for joining WeedBudz Radio.

I’m excited to tune into more of The Newbie and

the Doobie available everywhere and on YouTube as well.

Right? YouTube. Yeah, YouTube.

We would recommend that you can listen to it

on your earphones going for a jog and we

think it’s still funny and entertaining and informational.

I call it edutainment.

I’m sure maybe you’ve heard that word, but like I said,

for the full experience, you’re not going to see this.

You’re not going to see the Giraffe.

We had Towel Day where we

were in towels the entire day.

We had Jackie Childs on Towel Day and she joined in.

That’s great.

So there are things that you

can’t see through your ears.

Well, I hope everyone will go on to YouTube, check

us out, check out the Newbie and the Doobie.

I’m so grateful to all of you for tuning in and

be sure to head over to our show notes on

That way all of the links to connect

with Timmy and Mary Jane will be there.

I thank you both so much again for joining me.

Oh, thank you so much Ry.

I really appreciate it.

We will see you all in the next episode.